new parameter to set the minimum number of battery modules allowed to join (see the "Control - Charge" and "Control - Discharge" sections)
ability to rejoin battery modules if their voltage is close to the battery voltage (see the "Control - Charge" and "Control - Discharge" sections)
selection of errors that cause reset of contactor control signals (see the "Control - Main contactor", "Control - Charge", "Control - Discharge", "Control - Heater", "Control - Cooler", "Control - Coolant pump" sections)
new internal signal "General error (modules)" which is the logical sum of the "General error" signals from the battery modules
new assignments "Critical error" and "General error (modules)" for the discrete outputs and power switches (see the "Signals - Output discrete signals - Assignments" and "Signals - Power switches - Assignments" sections)
use the measured voltage before contactors as the battery voltage if the "Control - High voltage" function is enabled
Unibat: new flag to enable sending a control message to start/stop ventilation fans installed in the battery modules (see the "External equipment - Unibat vehicle" section)
rearrangements in the settings sections, which are made to simplify the setup process
Unibat: minor changes in the communication protocol