2. Installation and connection

Last modified by Admin on 2025/02/20 12:57

Installation and connection

​​​​​Installation procedure

The mounting area of the BMS Logic 2.0 must be protected from mechanical particles (dust, dirt, large objects) and water. The BMS Logic 2.0 is recommended to be placed close to the cells it controls, but away from high current circuits to reduce interference to measuring circuits and increase overall reliability of installation.

The installation site must provide convenient access for subsequent connection to the device’s headers.

The BMS Logic 2.0 has a heat sink to dissipate the heat generated during the balancing of the cells. When used in enclosed enclosures, heat must be removed from the sink, otherwise it may damage the device.

Overall and mounting dimensions of the BMS Logic 2.0 are shown below.



Overall dimensions (length × width × height), mm

125 × 84 × 25 
Mounting dimensions (length × width), mm115 × 50
Mounting holesM4


The BMS Logic 2.0 is designed to measure battery parameters – temperature (for a stack of 12 cells there are 2 temperature sensors) and the voltages of 12 cells.


All headers are shown from the device side!

X1 – header for cells and temperature sensors

Receptacle Housing: Molex 39012160. Terminals: Molex 5556


1TEMP2Signal from the thermistor #2
2TEMPCGround of the thermistors
3C11Cell #11
4C9Cell #9
5C7Cell #7
6C5Cell #5
7C3Cell #3
8C1Cell #1 (minimum potential with respect to V-)
9V-Minus of the cell stack
10TEMP1Signal from the thermistor #1
11C12Cell #12 (maximum potential of the cell stack)
12C10Cell #10
13C8Cell #8
14C6Cell #6
15C4Cell #4
16C2Cell #2

X2, X3 – headers for communication with BMS Main

Receptacle Housing: Molex 39012040. Terminals: Molex 5556


1RS485_ARS-485 line A for communication with the BMS Main
2RS485_BRS-485 line B for communication with the BMS Main
3+5VSupply voltage 5V

Switches and indicators

SWD1 – address switch

Switch numberDescription
1The first (the lowest) bit of the address. Position ON - bit is 1
2The second bit is the address. Position ON - bit is 1
3The third bit of the address. Position ON - bit is 1
4The fourth bit of the address. Position ON - bit is 1
5The fifth bit of the address. Position ON - bit is 1
6The sixth (the highest) bit of the address. Position ON - bit is 1

DS1 – mode indicator

BlinkingCommunication between the BMS Main and the device is established
No lightThere is no communication between the BMS Main and the device

Connection procedure

Connection to BMS Main

To connect the BMS Main to BMS Logic 2.0 do the following steps:

  1. Connect the BMS Main to the first BMS Logic 2.0 (P15 -> X3).
  2. Connect the BMS Logic 2.0 to each other (X2 -> X3).
  3. Install jumper P1 on the last BMS Logic 2.0 in the chain.

1. The total cable length (the sum of the lengths of all cables) between the BMS Main and the last BMS Logic 2.0 should not exceed 500 meters.
2. Make all connections with the same cable.
3. For a total cable length of more than 10 meters use twisted pair with the 120 Ohm wave impedance.

Connecting battery cells

To connect the battery cells, follow the picture below. Incorrect connection of the cells can damage the BMS Logic 2.0.

Begin the connection with the negative of the battery: the "V-" of the first BMS Logic 2.0 is connected to "B-", then the first cell (C1) of the battery is connected, then the second (C2), etc. The “V-“ of the next BMS Logic 2.0 is connected to the C12 of the previous BMS Logic 2.0. If not all inputs of the cells are used, then the remaining inputs are connected to the cell with the highest potential.


Connect the battery according to the diagram, otherwise the device may be damaged!

Connecting thermistors

Thermistors should be fastened to the cells, excluding short circuits to the cell terminals (for example, isolate thermistors with heat shrink). For reliable operation, it is recommended to use all thermistors (1 temperature sensor for 6 cells).
