- resolving the problem of incorrect range of temperature parameter values (in the "Control - Coolant pump" section)
- resolving the possible problem of saving device parameters
- resolving the problem of writing the device's working time to a non-volatile memory very often
- resolving the issue of preparing battery module states written to Modbus registers
- new parameter to set the minimum number of battery modules allowed to join (see the "Control - Charge" and "Control - Discharge" sections)
- ability to rejoin battery modules if their voltage is close to the battery voltage (see the "Control - Charge" and "Control - Discharge" sections)
- selection of errors that cause reset of contactor control signals (see the "Control - Main contactor", "Control - Charge", "Control - Discharge", "Control - Heater", "Control - Cooler", "Control - Coolant pump" sections)
- new internal signal "General error (modules)" which is the logical sum of the "General error" signals from the battery modules
- new assignments "Critical error" and "General error (modules)" for the discrete outputs and power switches (see the "Signals - Output discrete signals - Assignments" and "Signals - Power switches - Assignments" sections)
- use the measured voltage before contactors as the battery voltage if the "Control - High voltage" function is enabled
- Unibat: new flag to enable sending a control message to start/stop ventilation fans installed in the battery modules (see the "External equipment - Unibat vehicle" section)
- rearrangements in the settings sections, which are made to simplify the setup process
- Unibat: minor changes in the communication protocol