2. Installation and configuration

Last modified by Admin on 2025/02/27 16:37

Installation and connection

Installation and connection

Installation procedure

The mounting location of the BMS Main 3 / BMS Main 3X device must be protected from mechanical particles (dust, dirt, large objects) and water. The installation location must provide easy access for subsequent connection to the device connectors.

Overall and mounting dimensions are shown in figure below.


Overall dimensions (length × width × height), mm200 × 123 × 12
Mounting dimensions (length × width), mm194 × 114
Mounting holesM3


The location and designation of connectors on the BMS Main 3 / BMS Main 3X device are shown below.


All headers are shown from the device side!

X1 – header to power the device

Receptacle Housing: Hirose ZE05-8DS-HU/R. Terminals: Hirose ZE05-2022SCF


1–2, 5–6GNDGround
3KEYRUNPower-on signal
4CHARGE_ONPower-on signal (battery charge requirement)
7–8VINPower line (9-32V)

Power supply connection diagram:


X2 – header for contactors

Receptacle Housing: Hirose ZE05-12DS-HU/R. Terminals: Hirose ZE05-2022SCF


1–4, 8–9GNDGround
5CONT1_OUTContactor control 1 (plus)
6CONT2_OUTContactor control 2 (plus)
7CONT3_OUTContactor control 3 (plus)
10CONT4_OUTContactor control 4 (plus)
11CONT5_OUTContactor control 5 (plus)
12CONT6_OUTContactor control 6 (plus)

 Contactor connection diagram:


X3 – header for discrete inputs and outputs

Receptacle Housing: Hirose ZE05-24DS-HU/R. Terminals: Hirose ZE05-2022SCF


1–8, 12, 16–17, 21DIO_GNDGround of input and output signals
9DIN1_SIGNALDiscrete input 1 “dry contact”
10DIN2_SIGNALDiscrete input 2 “dry contact”
11DIN3_SIGNALDiscrete input 3 “dry contact”
13DIN4_SIGNALDiscrete input 4 “dry contact”
14DIN5_SIGNALDiscrete input 5 “dry contact”
15DIN6_SIGNALDiscrete input 6 “dry contact”
18DIN7_VINDiscrete input 7 (signal detection with voltage 9-32V)
19DIN8_VINDiscrete input 8 (signal detection with voltage 9-32V)
20DOUT1_ODDiscrete output 1 “open drain” (60 V, 1A)
22DOUT2_ODDiscrete output 2 “open drain” (60 V, 1A)
23DOUT3_ODDiscrete output 3 “open drain” (60 V, 1A)
24DOUT4_ODDiscrete output 4 “open drain” (60 V, 1A)

Connection diagram of a discrete input to a dry contact output:

1732121887401-555.pngConnection diagram of a discrete input to an open collector output:

1732122137116-973.pngConnection diagram for a discrete input for detecting a 9-32V signal:

1732121926812-202.pngConnection diagram for discrete output:


X4 – header for HVIL

Receptacle Housing: Hirose ZE05-4S-HU/R. Terminals: Hirose ZE05-2022SCF


1-Not used
2HVIL_OUTOutput of the current measurement circuit in the current loop (lower potential, measuring shunt output)
3HVIL_INInput of the current measurement circuit in the current loop (higher potential, measuring shunt input)
4HVIL_PWRCurrent loop power supply (max 5V, 25mA)

 If the BMS Main 3 / BMS Main 3X device generates current in a current loop, the current loop must be connected to the HVIL_PWR and HVIL_IN pins. If BMS Main 3 / BMS Main 3X is a passive current loop meter, then the current loop must be connected to the HVIL_IN and HVIL_OUT pins.

Connection diagram to the current loop:


X5 – header for current and temperature sensors

Receptacle Housing: Hirose ZE05-16DS-HU/R. Terminals: Hirose ZE05-2022SCF


1CS1_5VCurrent sensor 1 power line (5 V, max 50 mA)
7CS1_IN1Current sensor 1 signal line (for a dual-range current sensor, High range output)
8CS1_REF_IN2Current sensor 1 reference voltage signal line (for a dual-range current sensor, Low range output)
9CS2_5VCurrent sensor 2 power line (5 V, max 50 mA)
10CS2_IN1Current sensor 2 signal line (for a dual-range current sensor, High range output)
11CS2_REF_IN2Current sensor 2 reference voltage signal line (for a dual-range current sensor, Low range output)
12CS3_5VCurrent sensor 3 power line (5 V, max 50 mA)
13CS3_IN1Current sensor 3 signal line (for a dual-range current sensor, High range output)
14CS3_REF_IN2Current sensor 3 reference voltage signal line (for a dual-range current sensor, Low range output)
15TEMP1Temperature sensor 1 signal line (NTC-thermistor 100 kOhm)
16TEMP2Temperature sensor 2 signal line (NTC-thermistor 100 kOhm)

Current sensor connection diagram (using the example of LEM HASS 100-S):


Current sensor connection diagram (using the example of LEM DHAB S/118):


NTC-thermistor connection diagram:


X6 – header for CAN1 and RS-485-1 (external buses)

Receptacle Housing: Hirose ZE05-5S-HU/R. Terminals: Hirose ZE05-2022SCF


1CAN1_HCAN1 line H for communication with external equipment
2CAN1_LCAN1 line L for communication with external equipment
3CAN1_RS485_1_GNDGround of CAN1 and RS-485-1
4RS485_1_ARS-485-1 line A for communication with external equipment
5RS485_1_BRS-485-1 line B for communication with external equipment

Connection diagram to the CAN1 bus:


Connection diagram to the RS-485-1 bus:


X7 – header for CAN2 (internal bus)

Receptacle Housing: Hirose ZE05-4S-HU/R. Terminals: Hirose ZE05-2022SCF


1CAN2_HCAN2 line H for communication with other BMS devices
2CAN2_LCAN2 line L for communication with other BMS devices
4CAN2_5VCAN2 power line (5 V, max 400 mA)

Connection diagram to the CAN2 bus (using the example of connecting BMS Display 1.2):


X8 – header for CAN3

Receptacle Housing: Hirose ZE05-4S-HU/R. Terminals: Hirose ZE05-2022SCF


1CAN3_HCAN3 line H 
2CAN3_LCAN3 line L 
4CAN3_5VCAN3 power line (5 V, max 400 mA)

CAN3 operates differently depending on used firmware:

  • BMS Main 3: CAN3 bus is reserved;
  • BMS Main 3X: CAN3 bus is used to connect with BMS Main 3 inside parallel strings. Diagram for connecting battery modules to the CAN3 bus:


X9 – header for BMS Logic (RS-485-2)

Receptacle Housing: Hirose ZE05-4S-HU/R. Terminals: Hirose ZE05-2022SCF


1LOGIC_BRS-485 line B for communication with BMS Logic
2LOGIC_ARS-485 line A for communication with BMS Logic
4LOGIC_5VBMS Logic power line (+5V, max 400mA)

RS-485-2 operates differently depending on used firmware:

  • BMS Main 3X: RS-485-2 bus is reserved;
  • BMS Main 3: RS-485-2 bus is used to connect with BMS Logics in a battery pack. Connection diagram for BMS Logic devices:


X10 – miniUSB connector

The miniUSB connector is used to configure the parameters of the BMS Main 3 / BMS Main 3X device.

X11 – header for high-voltage bus before contactors (plus)

Receptacle Housing: Molex 436450200. Terminals: Molex 43030


1IN1+Plus of the high-voltage bus (before contactors)
2IN1+Plus of the high-voltage bus (before contactors)

The connected voltage must not exceed 1000V.

X12 – header for high-voltage bus before contactors (minus)

Receptacle Housing: Molex 436450200. Terminals: Molex 43030


1IN1-Minus of the high-voltage bus (before contactors)
2IN1-Minus of the high-voltage bus (before contactors)

The connected voltage must not exceed 1000V.

X13 – header for high-voltage bus after contactors (plus)

Receptacle Housing: Molex 436450200. Terminals: Molex 43030


1IN2+Plus of the high-voltage bus (after contactors)
2IN2+Plus of the high-voltage bus (after contactors)

The connected voltage must not exceed 1000V.

X14 – header for high-voltage bus after contactors (minus)

Receptacle Housing: Molex 436450200. Terminals: Molex 43030


1IN2-Minus of the high-voltage bus (after contactors)
2IN2-Minus of the high-voltage bus (after contactors)

The connected voltage must not exceed 1000V. 

J1 – jumper for switching RS-485-1 bus terminal resistor


To connect a terminal resistor between the RS485_1_A and RS485_1_B lines, install a jumper. The jumper is installed according to the table:

1-2120 OhmThe 120 Ohm terminal resistor of the RS-485-1 bus is connected
2-3-The 120 Ohm terminal resistor of the RS-485-1 bus is disconnected

J2 – jumper for switching CAN1 bus terminal resistor

1733316982359-759.pngTo connect a terminal resistor between the CAN1_H and CAN1_L lines, install a jumper. The jumper is installed according to the table:

1-2120 OhmThe 120 Ohm terminal resistor of the CAN1 bus is connected
2-3-The 120 Ohm terminal resistor of the CAN1 bus is disconnected

J3 – jumper for switching CAN2 bus terminal resistor

1733316982359-759.pngTo connect a terminal resistor between the CAN2_H and CAN2_L lines, install a jumper. The jumper is installed according to the table:

1-2120 OhmThe 120 Ohm terminal resistor of the CAN2 bus is connected
2-3-The 120 Ohm terminal resistor of the CAN2 bus is disconnected

J5, J6 – jumpers for emergency opening of contactors when removing discrete input signals DIN7, DIN8

The BMS Main 3 / BMS Main 3X device implements a circuit for hardware opening of power contactors when the discrete input signal DIN7 and/or DIN8 (voltage level 9-32V) is removed. To enable this function, jumper J5 and/or J6 must be installed.


DS1 – LED indicating device power

Lights up greenDevice power (+5V) is present
Doesn’t light upNo device power

DS2 – LED indicating device work

Blinking greenExecuting the battery management program
No blinkingProgram execution error

DS3 – LED indicating interaction with child devices

StateDescription (Main 3)Description (Main 3X)
Blinking yellowThe device interacts with BMS Logic devicesThe device interacts with BMS Main 3 devices
No blinking--

DS4 – LED indicating loss of connection with child devices

StateDescription (Main 3)Description (Main 3X)
Blinking/lights up redCommunication with one or more BMS Logic devices is lostCommunication with one or more BMS Main 3 devices is lost
No blinkingCommunication with BMS Logic devices is stableCommunication with BMS Main 3 devices is stable

DS5-DS10 – LEDs indicating contactor switches 1-6

Lights up greenThe switch supplies voltage to the contactor winding
Doesn’t light upThe switch doesn’t supply voltage to the contactor winding

DS11 – LED indicating the presence of power supply for contactors

Lights up greenPower supply for contactor switches (9-32V) is present
Doesn’t light upPower supply for contactor switches (9-32V) is not present

Connection procedure

The BMS can connect to batteries with voltage levels dangerous to life and health. When working with high voltage batteries, follow electrical safety rules, use safety glasses, protective clothing, insulated tools and devices.

The system is not designed to operate with batteries with total voltage more than 3000V.

Before connection, configure the device (see Settings). Correct operation of the BMS system is only possible with correct configuration.

All operations to connect the device must be carried out with the supply voltage removed.

  • Connect the power contactors to header X2.
  • Connect one or more current sensors, as well as external temperature sensors (if necessary) to header X5.
  • Connect BMS Logic devices to header X9.
  • Connect digital inputs and outputs (if necessary) to header X3.
  • Connect the high voltage bus (if necessary) to headers X11-X14.
  • Connect the high-voltage network integrity circuit (if necessary) to header X4.
  • Connect external devices (if necessary) to header X6.
  • Connect other devices (BMS Indication, BMS Display, if necessary) to header X7.
  • If the BMS Main 3 / BMS Main 3X is the last device on the RS-485-1, CAN1, or CAN2 bus, install jumpers J1-J3.
  • Connect an external power supply to header X1. The device will start when there is a 9-32V power supply and one of the KEYRUN or CHARGE_ON signals with a voltage of more than 8.5V is supplied.